Iridescent Spirits

Shelter of a constantly changing Soul.

It’s an Award!


Today I woke up really early I checked my phone for the time and realised I had an e-mail. I was about to sleep a bit more but when I read the message I got so excited that I wasn’t able to go back to bed. Because..
I was nominated for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! I would like to thank Cheryle from Lightwalkers Blog for the nomination at first. I am very happy you found my work this valuable. 🙂 Guys, check out her blog, you can find amazing and enlightening stuff out there. This award goes to writers who write about the unique female experience.

The Rules for Accepting and Nominating are as follows:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  • Nominate seven blogs.
  • Make a list of ten questions for your nominees

My answers to the questions:

  1. What is your biggest fear and why?

Probably being all alone. I don’t mean it as dying unmarried but rather not having friends or people with similar interests so there would be no one who could understand me.

  1. What are you motivated by?

By encouragement and consideration for example this nomination. 🙂

  1. What was the last dream you remember?

Hm, this is hard. I dreamt about being in high school again and I had to study hard because the evilest teacher was about to test me. It was horrible.

  1. What is your favorite book and why?

Now, this is even harder. I’d say two. One is Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. This book always cheers me up and no matter how many times I’ve read I always enjoy it as if I was reading it for the first time.

The other one would be The Evil Spirits by Fuyumi Ono. (The anime series Ghost Hunt was based on it, if it means something.) It is a bit gory and scary but I enjoyed it very much. It is well written and extremely interesting. I can’t help it I love the supernatural. (No, not the series that creeps the heck out of me.)

  1. If you could sit down and have a conversation with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Diana Wynne Jones and Fuyumi Ono. I would like to hear them talking about their work and have Miss Jones tell me one of her stories she comes up with right at the moment.

  1. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Do you still have that childhood dream?

I wanted to be a lawyer and one time a pathologist (no kidding) and also there was a time when I wanted to be an actress.
Now I don’t have any of these dreams, yet my family still thinks that I’m going to have the title Dr. 😀

  1. Do you have a bucket list? If so what are the top three items?

I do have a bucket list but it is quite short yet.
The first thing on it is to learn to play the violin. The second one is to learn to play a song I heard in the Japanese Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics. That song is with me ever since I was about five. (It’s not in the English version)

  1. If you could boost one of your five senses, which would it be and why?

To trust in my intuitions more. Or have a better eyesight. 😛

  1. Would you rather die young, or live forever?

None of them. I fear dying young and I think living forever would be boring and maybe saddening. I’d like to have a long and happy life and die at an old age peacefully.

  1. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

The thing that I view the world differently than most people.

I nominate these seven wonderful blogs:

Living the Dream
By Lauren Hayley
Art Catalysts by KathyClem
Emma’s Cup
Sarah’s Humble Blog
Musings From a Tangled Mind

Now, here are my ten questions:

  1. What is your aim with your blog?
  2. If you could choose, in which century would you live in and why?
  3. What is your favourite book or movie and why?
  4. Who and/or what inspires you the most?
  5. What are you the most proud of about your life and yourself?
  6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  7. Imagine your life as a book in which you are the main character, what genre would it be?
  8. If you had any kind of a (super)power what would it be and what would you use it for?
  9. If you have a bucket list, what is the first thing on it?
  10. Do you have an unusual habit? If yes, then what is it?

Thanks for the nomination again, I appreciate it very much. Happy Blogging! 🙂

7 thoughts on “It’s an Award!

  1. My heartiest congratulations to you..! Thanks a lot for nominating me. You made my day : )

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats bud! Keep up the good work 😉

    Your pal,
    David Long

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations! Great job on the questions. Thanks for nomination me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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